Andy Warhol (Icons of America)

October 12th, 2010 No Comments   Posted in Art History

In a work of great wisdom and insight, art critic and philosopher Arthur Danto delivers a compact, masterful tour of Andy Warhol’s personal, artistic, and philosophical transformations. Danto traces the evolution of the pop artist, including his early reception, relationships with artists such as Jasper Johns and Robert Rauschenberg, and the Factory phenomenon. He offers close readings of individual Warhol works, including their social context and philosophical dimensions, key differences with predecessors such as Marcel Duchamp, and parallels with successors like Jeff Koons. Danto brings to bear encyclopedic knowledge of Warhol’s time and shows us Warhol as an endlessly multidimensional figure—artist, political activist, filmmaker, writer, philosopher—who retains permanent residence in our national imagination.


Danto suggests that “what makes him an American icon is that his subject matter is always something that the ordinary American understands: everything, or nearly everything he made art out of came straight out of the daily lives of very ordinary Americans. . . . The tastes and values of ordinary persons all at once were inseparable from advanced art.”


Western Art History Guide (Mobi Study Guides)

October 10th, 2010 No Comments   Posted in Art History

An illustrated comprehensive Art History Guide from prehistoric to postmodern periods. Navigate from TOC or search for words or phrases. FREE Prehistoric Art chapter in the trial version.


Audience: Intended for everyone interested in art history, particularly undergraduate and graduate students and advanced high school students.


  • Fully illustrated.
  • Detailed explanations of each period.
  • Always have the guide available for a quick reference.
  • Search for the words or phrases
  • Navigate from Table of Contents or read page by page
  • Add Bookmarks

Table of Contents

PREHISTORIC ART: Palaeolithic | Mesolithic | Neolithic | Bronze age | Iron age

ANCIENT ART: Ancient Egyptian Art | Arts of the Ancient Aegean | Greek Art: historical periods, architecture, pottery, sculpture | Roman Art

EARLY CHRISTIAN AND BYZANTINE: Early and Imperial Christianity | Byzantine

MEDIEVAL ART: Celtic art | Migration Period | Romanesque art | Gothic art

THE RENAISSANCE: From Gothic to the Renaissance | Early Renaissance: Donatello, Filippo Brunelleschi, Masaccio | High Renaissance: Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo Buonarroti, Raffaello Santi. | Northern Renaissance | Renaissance Architecture

MANNERISM, BAROQUE, AND ROCOCO: Mannerism | Baroque | Rococo

NEOCLASSICISM, ROMANTICISM, AND REALISM: Neoclassicism | Romanticism | Realism

MODERN ART: Overview | Impressionism: Art Movement, Édouard Manet, Paul Cezanne, Edgar Degas, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Claude Monet | Post-Impressionism: Art Movement, Georges Seurat, Vincent Van Gogh, Paul Gauguin, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec | Fauvism | Expressionism | Cubism | Surrealism | Dada | Futurism | Suprematism | Constructivism | Abstract Expressionism | Pop art: Art Movement, Richard Hamilton, Jasper Johns, Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Robert Rauschenberg.

CONTEMPORARY AND POSTMODERN ART: Conceptual art | Stuckism | Postmodern art

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